When we moved to Moscow (pronounced mahs-coh), Idaho in 2014, I was really unhappy to be there. We’d spent the year before living in the stunning Panajachel, Guatemala and the beautiful Green Mountain State of Vermont for the two years before that, Moscow felt like a bit of a dud. Too big to really be a small town and waaay too small to be an urban area, it was a space that I once labelled “too family friendly.” I remember telling a Vermont friend that I could never imagine that I would ever miss Moscow. Of course, after about two years it had really, really grown on me. By that time we had less than a year to go before Jason would graduate and we would need to move again. All that to say, it was felt like a bit of a homecoming to return to our sweet friends and the lovely town of Moscow for our first few days after leaving our Rapid City home.
Our time there seemed to fly by and we look forward to when we can return. There are a few highlights from our visit below and a kind of “best of” list for Moscow in case you ever get to visit 🙂
Fall was already in starting to show it’s colors. We collected these beauties during a quick stroll through the Arboretum.

One of our favorite haunts, Phillips Farm — we lived walking distance from this farm park during our first year in Idaho. We quickly came to love the easy hiking paths, wild orchards and wooded areas and, not to be left out — the “scat” board with models of more than 15 types of animal scat 🙂

A delicious lunch at Mikey’s Gyros — oh so good!

The most valuable thing for us was betting to spend time with our friends — it was awesome to watch the kids reconnect

And no trip to Moscow should be complete without a visit to the Saturday morning Farmer’s Market — unfortunately it was cold and rainy for our trip, but still delightful to get to go.

A few other fun stops — being chased by giant chickens at the delightful Moscow Food Co-Op and testing out a raft in the amazing showroom at Northwest River Supply.