Our goal is to support our ministry in Guatemala with the proceeds from our home sale in August 2021 and also by saving during our summers while working in the USA. However, we would be blessed by your partnership with us.
If you are interested in partnering with us financially, you can mail donations to us at Jason & Carrie Schlafmann, PO Box 1825, Templeton CA 93465 or visit our PayPal page below to set up one-time or recurring donations.
November 2022 — We depart November 15 for another six months in Guatemala volunteering and primarily working to support missionaries and other aid organizations which are already in place. With the rising costs of so many things, we were not able to save as much as we would have liked this summer and would love your partnership with us as we return.
September 2022 — We plan to depart for Guatemala on November 15. We have been saving money this summer, but are also hoping to raise an additional $2,000 to help with our transportation and living expenses. Thank you for considering partnering with us in this journey.
November 2021 — Your help towards the transportation costs of getting our family of four to Guatemala was truly incredible . A big THANK YOU to all who helped us get here! You provided us with exactly the amount we needed to cover our flights, baggage fees, ground transportation and our first night accommodation — thank you so much! Your support was a beautiful blessing to us.
August 2021 — We are selling our South Dakota home and moving to Guatemala to support missionaries who are directly caring for the needs of the local population. Although we expect to support ouselves off the proceeds from our home sale, we could use your help with the transportation costs of getting our family of four to Guatamala. We expect flights, ground transportation and covid testing costs to come to about $3,000 total. Will you partner with us?