Roasting in Redding

Yes! We’ve moved to Redding, California! And at the start of its hottest season! Yikes, the heat here is no joke. After spending the last three months in a perpetual cycle of packing-unpacking-moving, we are thankful for a home space (with central AC!) and for Jason’s Forester position at the Bureau of Land Management.

I’m not sure, but Redding may actually have too much sun for me — which I didn’t think could be possible.

We were thrilled to already have our first visitors – my sister, Bonnie and her family. We are loving our location right off I-5 and the friends and family it will bring our way.

These past three months have been very full. There have been many beautiful, amazing moments – we got to go on a road trip all the way to Luke’s birth state of Vermont and then back to the west coast for an Alaskan cruise.

But mostly our memory of these past three months is an overwhelming feeling of loss.

The loss of leaving our cherished life and friends in Guatemala – with no expected return date.

The loss of returning to my family home from which my Dad’s absence is achingly noticeable. My mind just keeps looking for my Dad and waiting for him to show up.

And then a new, hard and tragic loss. Jason’s sister became gravely ill and passed away in June. We were able to travel to Spokane to say goodbyes, but we are all reeling with this fresh grief. We cannot grasp how Melody, who has always been so full of life and up for anything, is gone.

We are learning many lessons about loss and grief. We know these lessons are part of life on this earth and are thankful for the empathy we are gaining, but man they are hard.

Rolling with the punches

Life is always full of unexpected surprises – some pleasant and some unpleasant. We were all surprised when Jason broke a bone in his hand last month while playing basketball with the Ánimo team.

We had a good surprise though when a doctor-friend here agreed to come take x-rays at our house and cast it, for free! It was a great homeschool day for the kids to learn about portable x-ray machines and bone regrowth. Luckily, it is his non-dominant hand, but we’ve been shocked at just how many basic life activities you need both hands to complete.

The kids continue to make wonderful memories with a variety of friends, often either at our pool or at the lake. We are so thankful for the great community we have here.

Jason still works with a boys youth group on Saturdays – meeting together for fellowship, learning about God and playing sports. Last month they included extended families and went for a beautiful afternoon hike together.

I am thankful for the rich community of women who live in our town and I was able to host a mother-daughter tea party for some of them this month. We had such a special time together. I feel very blessed.

I’ve been learning a lot of interesting and hard lessons in grief. Many that I would rather not be learning. But, I am thankful for the greater empathy it is teaching me and thankful that God continues to reveal his love for me through the beauty of this amazing place.

Isn’t that heart-shaped seed just about one of the coolest things you’ve seen? It came out of one of the jacaranda seed pods in our yard. I love finding love letters from God in nature.

Startled by unexpected beauty

We are already more than halfway through our time in Guatemala. How do three months zoom by so quickly? It has been a huge blessing to be somewhere sunny, warm and beautiful during this season of grief, but there is much about life that even on “good” days feels very muted and off.

And yet … I see God showering me with his love through the beauty around me — through the glowing smiles and ingenuity of the locals, through the brilliant flowers and shocking insects, and the incredible sunset (above) that seemed just for us after a very exhausting day of travel to & from the capital. I am thankful for these reminders that I am known and that my hurt is not forgotten.

We continue to love living in Guatemala and are doing our best to take advantage of beautiful Lake Atitlán —

The kids especially love having their wonderful friends within walking distance, rides on mopeds, and trucks that are just their size.

Despite the incredible beauty of this place and its people, we see fresh, empty bottles like the one below along the roads Rubbing alcohol – a grim reminder of how rampant alcoholism is here. We are so proud to be bearing witness to how our friends, the Deeds Family, are shining light in this darkness through their ministry Ánimo! They have opened the very first half-way house in our community for men being released from rehab, and are walking with them in their pain as they try to find a new way to live. It is truly amazing and sadly, so needed in this place.

Men from the halfway house and some of their supporters formed a local basketball team this month. Check out Jason on the front right! He’s loving the opportunity to get to know these men better, and dust off his basketball shoes too.

A few other adventures that Jason has been up to — several long-distance mountain bike races around the country, a hike up Tolimán volcano across the lake (10,361 ft!) and a brief return to teaching when he filled in for the 5/6th grade for two weeks.

As a family, we continue to love all the nearby hiking —

The kids both continue to stay busy playing with a local soccer group and Mabel was an owl at her recent ballet recital.

We even got to take a family ride on a 4-wheeler and play with some adorable puppies at the nearby Opal House – an education, farm and medical ministry.

Although we aren’t always confident why God put on our hearts to come here, we are blessed to have this opportunity to witness the miracles that He is doing here and we continue to pray that we see who he places in our path each day.

Preparing to depart {again}

We are in the middle of moving once again, heading back to Guatemala for the next six months. When we return we are hoping to find a stateside place to stay put somewhere for a while.

Each move we have made has been bittersweet for various reasons. Not surprisingly, this one feels especially off to me – after nearly 30 years of goodbyes with my Dad, he will not be here and that is really hard…

Last month our family somehow made it through planning and attending a service celebrating my Dad’s life and then his 81st birthday the very next day. I don’t know that any of us felt very celebratory, but we made it through.

During my first weekend at our own house in over two months, we spent some time exploring nearby Sequoia National Park and went on a fantastic hike to Tokopah Falls. It was a glorious day.

The next weekend, we spent a final day at Hume Lake — we feel so spoiled to get to live close to such beautiful places.

I nearly forgot! In September, Jason & Luke took their annual backpacking trip. Since Luke is 10, this was his first two-night trip. It was very chilly, but they had a blast exploring together.

Jason also made a solo trip to Spokane to visit his family and also participate in the wedding of his mom’s brother.

Then it was time to enjoy Halloween festivities with my siblings and the kid’s cousins. My Dad’s absence is so noticeable and painful that these special family days are very hard, but we were thankful for the opportunity to be together.

The kids and I even had the chance to make a stopover at my Aunt Lori’s house for a fun afternoon of driving crazy carts and making felt baskets together.

Now, it’s time for some very tough goodbyes. Even though I’m looking forward to being in Guatemala again, this departure is going to be hard as we leave behind special family and friends.

Of course, we also had to have one final picture at Jason’s office — a place he has enjoyed very much and a place that allowed us to live close to family for these past two seasons.

Navigating life’s griefs and it’s gifts

The past two months have been really difficult for our family — the very short story is that my Dad went into the hospital at the end of June for a routine, in-patient procedure of his heart condition and after two rehospitalizations, he passed away at home last week.

It has been and continues to be an emotional rollercoaster ride — with crushing grief right up alongside joy-filled moments of togetherness.

The precious gift of a good Dad for my 47 years of my life makes his loss incredibly difficult. I know how blessed I am to have something worth grieving, but boy is it awful. I am thankful for the many, many memories that my Dad was intentional about making with us and I’m extra thankful for these past two seasons where we were able to live closer. It still seems impossible that I will not see him in this life again.

In the midst of this journey with my Dad and family, regular life stuff just continued on, even though it felt weird at times. We wanted to continue to celebrate life together in the midst of hardship and anytime we could, we brought the celebration to wherever my Dad was in that moment.

Part of this summer’s education was introducing our kids to the mid-state fair — they had a blast, but couldn’t believe that one corn dog could cost $17!!!

Jason took Mabel on their annual overnight backpacking trip, into the Jennie Lakes Wilderness this year.

Jason & I each marked another year onto our lives —

Our family had the incredible opportunity to attend family camp at Mount Hermon this summer. I had not visited this place for 15 years, but grew up attending most summers. It was such fun to introduce the kids to this wonderful experience.

We also got to go visit some neighbors from our compound in Guatemala at their forested, off-the-grid home in Northern California. It was so special to get to see them again and to see their California home/life.

Mabel got to celebrate her birthday a few days early together with her cousins and my Dad, then she proudly made her own cake on her real birthday.

We started our new school year – with big 5th and 3rd graders!

Interspersed with all these moments was so much time with family, what a beautiful thing.

I haven’t been able to get this picture of my Dad holding Mabel in his amazing, workworn hands out of my mind…

And I am having a hard time getting my brain to understand that the kid’s grandpa who: read them stories, took them on tractor and go-kart rides, wore silly unicorn masks for birthdays, drove them around in his classic car, made special “papa tom style” cereal for them to eat and dressed up as Tigger for Halloween, is no longer here … but I am so thankful that he was all those things for the time they had together.

Trying to beat the heat

Summer is in full force in the California Valley and our home in the foothills seems to act like a convection oven. Yikes, it’s warm!

We’re thankful to be able to drive an hour or so up to cooler mountain lakes or to make the three hour drive over to my family and the coast during long weekends.

A day at the lake with cousins is pretty dang sweet!

One of our escapes last month was meeting up with Jason’s parents in Klamath Falls, Oregon. We had a great weekend together! It was hard to believe how much snow was still at Crater Lake, which of course the kids loved!

This year was the first time we got to attend any of the school graduations for our nephews and nieces. It was really special and especially great that my siblings and I all got to be in the same place, at the same time with my parents.

Last month we had the idea that the covered porch at our house might be able to be screened in somewhat easily. And … armed with screening and a staple gun, we did it! We now can eat and mingle outside virtually bug-free!

We even got some visits in with extended family last month – in Oregon and then a beautiful day at the zoo with a cousin’s family visiting all the way from Scotland! I am so thankful for family who have known me since I was young and who continue to pursue our relationships.

We continue to be grateful for the many chances to make memories with family – this 4th of July was no different. My sister hosted a wonderful day for all the kids (& grown-ups) to remember.

Our kids even had a chance to handle some non-venomous snakes at the library. Quite a nice change, especially after we’ve had several more rattlesnake encounters —

We had two sets of visitors literally visit over the course of the same weekend this month. We love having visitors and had such a a blast – just wish we could have spread out the fun a bit!

One of the absolute best ways to beat the heat??!!? A trip to SomiSomi for soft serve in fish shaped waffles! So much fun!

Finding snow … and looking out for snakes!

We have been back in California for over a month already and it has most definitely been a blur of activity and movement. There have been many wonders, and of course challenges too.

One of the things Luke misses the most about our lifestyle is the lack of SNOW. So one of the first things we did after moving into our summer home was to head up the hill to find some. We were all surprised at just how much was still left from California’s big winter.

It was such a treat to get to see the big Sequoias in the snow –

We were blessed to have about 10 days with my parents before we moved. We love being with family and squeezed in a lot of great cousin time —

My sister, Bonnie and I even got to go on an short but amazing trip to Kauai to celebrate her 50th birthday!!! We had an incredible few days together exploring this beautiful place.

Bonnie and I also got to go on our first road trip together with our Mom in probably over 30 years. Unfortunately, it was for a really difficult occasion, the funeral of our cousin. I am thankful that all of my siblings were there with my mom and glad for the opportunity to get to see so many family members, but it was a stark reminder of how precious and fleeting life is.

We moved into our summer home four weeks ago and have been busy getting settled in while exploring the beautiful property around it. We are very thankful to have a place to live! Housing in the U.S. has been very difficult for us to find. Even while we are grateful, it has also been a pretty rough four weeks settling in for our small family and I have been doubly thankful for God’s gift of the abundant beauty surrounding our home.

Jason and I got to celebrate our 16 year anniversary together with our kids at Hume Lake. It was a beautiful day and we are thankful for our continued marriage. We’ve have enough hard days-weeks-months together to know that each good day is a precious gift.

Jason continues to really enjoy his work as a Forester and brings home photos of the spectacular places he works in each day —

During our Memorial Day weekend visit to Atascadero we made it over to Morro Bay for some beach time — it felt pretty chilly to us, but the kids (as usual) did not mind!

Lastly … every single person we have encountered in the community around our home has reminded us to “look out for snakes” pretty much every.single.time we see them. Rattlesnakes are common here in the foothills and we are learning very quickly to watch where we put our feet and hands – every time! Jason got to help kill his first one at our church of all places! Once it was dead and beheaded it was a great learning opportunity for all of us to see, touch and hear up close what one is like.

Finishing our goodbyes

We departed Guatemala Wednesday morning and can’t help wondering, “where did the months go??!!” We are super excited for our next six months in California, but the days leading up to our departure were very daunting–both on the packing-up front and on the heart front. We know that this difficulty serves as proof to us of how abundantly we’ve blessed by the people and beauty surrounding us.

Usually during our last weeks bwfore a move, we start squeezing in all the “last things” we want to do, but in looking at this past month I see more a lot more “first things.”

Jason took a few driving lessons from friends last month and quickly became a confident driver on Guatemalan roads. His new skill allows him to help out on airport runs for visiting ministry teams.

Jason coordinated (& drove) some donated bunkbeds for Casa Ixoqi, the women’s rehab center. Afterwards, the kids got to help assemble new bunkbeds at a ministry here in Pana.

The kids got to go to their first-ever water park last month. They had a BLAST at Xocomil (show-ko-meal) and I have to say it was by far the prettiest water park I’ve ever been to. Built in a location with a lot of rainfall, it has lush gardens in and around it. We were so blessed by our neighbors who invited us to join with their family to travel there and stay with them.

Luke turned 10 this month and we had a wonderful weekend celebrating him. He is blessed with a great group of friends here and we are so glad to have this awesome kid in our family.

Jason got to join our friend, Daniel, in another bike race. This time in Chiquimula, near the Honduran border. A much, much hotter and dryer climate than here. He had a great time and (thankfully) only took one serious spill!

We celebrated Easter in many meaningful ways — Easter Sunday began with a sunrise service and breakfast at our neighbors’ house and ended with a meal and time of worship with the Deeds. A perfect way to celebrate the resurrection. During the days previous, some of our neighbors graciously let the kids help create some of the beautiful, sawdust alfombras (carpets) in the streets and later the kids got to introduce some Guatemalan friends to their very first Easter egg hunt.

After more than 10 attempts, we even got a decent Easter Sunday selfie —

The kids both started playing soccer last month and are loving the opportunity to learn how to play. We even got invited to boat across the lake to a join in an opening-day training at a newly built field. I love getting to watch them learn!

Jason & Will got to cash in on gifts they had both received to go paragliding — and they had a blast!

We got to join the Deeds in a dinner at their new halfway house for men living in recovery from alcoholism and addiction – Casa de Ánimo. It was such a privilege to be there celebrating these men and their hard work of sober living.

And, one last new thing — we have photos of the home we get to live in for our six months in the US. It’s thrilling to have a place lined up before we arrive back in the US! We are super thankful for our church community in Miramonte who helped so much in lining this up for us.

Exploring Guatemala’s Coast & More

Last month we enjoyed a fantastic trip to Guatemala’s Pacific Coast compliments of Jason’s parents who had given us a few nights away as a Christmas present. We had never been to this area and it was amazing to drive through the sugar cane fields and rubber trees on our way. I love being able to show our kids how things we use everyday are grown. The coast was balmy and very peaceful. The kids will most remember the fantastic swimming pool facilities where we stayed.

We also enjoyed some special events these past few weeks — the kids finished up a month of swimming lessons, we celebrated sweet Simeon’s birthday, received a visit from friends, made Valentine’s Day pancakes and Mabel got a tooth extracted!

Jason and Will hosted a boys youth group campout on our neighbors’ compound last month. 16 boys showed up, which was awesome! They had a meaningful evening of fellowship, singing, games and food; followed by a mostly sleepless night and a hot breakfast together the next morning.

We also got to join in a special Guatemalan Day celebration at our friend Danielito’s school in which all the students dressed in traditional outfits from different areas of Guatemala and performed dances. It was really wonderful to see all the traditional outfits in one place and so fun to watch Danielito.

Several of the board members of La Casa de la Paz visited last month to discuss the continued care for the women of La Casa and also to determine if now is a good time for expanding the ministry to try to assist some of the men in our community who struggle with addiction. We enjoyed meeting these board members that we have only ever seen in on-line meetings before.

We are excited to share that the La Casa ministry will be expanding to include men. Many of you are familiar with Victor’s story and it is incredible to watch how God is growing his story. Last month these three men below (to the left of Victor) named Julian, Eduardo & Carlos asked if they could please be taken to a rehab center. The Deeds immediately sponsored them and you can see the difference in them in the second picture.

Photos courtesy W. Deeds

Victor and the Deeds know that rehab is only the first step in their recovery journey. Due to their addiction, these men have no family support, no homes and no jobs. They need additional assistance and, most importantly, community who will walk with them. In seeing this need, the Deeds have organized a home to serve as a type of half-way house (something that does not exist here) and are serving these men in hopes of restoring dignity and helping find God’s purpose for their lives.

We are thrilled to share that Jason has been hired in a seasonal position again in the Sequoia National Forest beginning in May and that we will get to spend another six months among the big trees … but as seems to often be our predicament, we are still searching for a place to live. We are looking forward to seeing how God will work this out for us this time around.

Celebrating … life with others

Happy New Year! I’ve been slow to post an update this month because it has been difficult to summarize well all that we have been up to. I started and stopped a number of times and could not find the right words until I realized that the overarching theme for our month was celebration. We spent the last five weeks celebrating life in so many different ways. Here are a few snapshots —

Jason and Luke were able to help install a new patio roof at this home (above and below) which opens it’s space each week for the local La Casa de la Paz group of women to meet together.

We joined a short-term missions team from Indiana and went across the lake to visit two alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers. Our time with both the men and the women was really meaningful. I was inspired by their bravery in choosing to get help for their addictions. The women celebrated us by giving every person in our group a handmade hat.

Mabel celebrated losing her first tooth (finally!). Sadly, she swallowed it while eating, but luckily the tooth fairy has certificates for swallowed teeth.

Jason and Mabel spent time with the English students in Tierra Linda celebrating Christmas with a special program of songs and games. Mabel was a little overwhelmed by having her blonde hair petted by so many kids at once.

Before we knew it, Christmas arrived. And with the special day came many, many delicious tamales and A LOT of fireworks! We had a beautiful time celebrating Christ’s birth and the many blessings that have been poured out over us.

The year would not be complete without trying more new fruits – Cushin or the “ice cream bean” was first. We were told to eat only the white fluffy stuff off the seeds, and it was surprisingly tasty. The other fruits are Chico fruits. They smelled like potatoes and (to us) tasted like very overripe pears. I love that our kids are always willing to try these things no matter how strange the seem.

Our year ended with a short boat ride across the lake and a beautiful hike between villages with a wonderful family that God has blessed us with here. It was a perfect year-end celebration.

Early in the New Year, I got to join Leigh in a kid-free day to participate in the three year anniversary of the women’s alcohol and drug rehabilitation center – Casa Ixoqi (ee-show-key). Shockingly, we have been told that this is the ONLY women’s-only rehab center in all of Guatemala. I am thankful to Dirty Feet Misisons for seeing this gap in care and helping start the women’s center three years ago. It was a huge privilege to join these women in their celebration.

We even got to join together with our neighbors and celebrate the birthday of our compound’s caretaker together with his family. Esquipulas has been kind, helpful and patient with us since day one. It was an honor to get to celebrate him.

We continue to celebrate this spectacular location that we get to live – even when we lose our electricity for nearly four days and I need to use my headlamp to see for cooking. We are filled with gratitude for the people God places in our path.